This morning kami 2 p shopping AGAIN..hunting for pants/jeans..hubby x ikut cos keje.. tis time xdela rushing..lgipon baju raye dh ade few pcs, cume GATAI nk tmbah lgi,ahakss.. ;P
We went to Factory Outlet in BM.. the main mission is to get a jeans and t-shirt for her..dlm otak duk pk nak carik Levis (mentang2 ummi Hanisah giler Levis ;p).. tp size besar je ade :( pepon i managed to get her a GAP & Oskosh jeans.. sgtla cute :)

susahnye nak pilih baju & at the same time jage die..huhuuu.. xdok diamm,, pening den,adeiii!!
btw,habis keje mlm tu,saje sronok2 test pakai baju & jeans baru kt die.. She is sooooo cute wearing her new raye stuffs in my eyes ;) oh ya sandal kuning tu i bought in Indonesia :)
the white Babygap shirt is just simple.. ade pic polar bear.. but i like it soo much.. -
We went to Factory Outlet in BM.. the main mission is to get a jeans and t-shirt for her..dlm otak duk pk nak carik Levis (mentang2 ummi Hanisah giler Levis ;p).. tp size besar je ade :( pepon i managed to get her a GAP & Oskosh jeans.. sgtla cute :)
susahnye nak pilih baju & at the same time jage die..huhuuu.. xdok diamm,, pening den,adeiii!!
btw,habis keje mlm tu,saje sronok2 test pakai baju & jeans baru kt die.. She is sooooo cute wearing her new raye stuffs in my eyes ;) oh ya sandal kuning tu i bought in Indonesia :)
-the red GAP pant is slightly bigger for her..kena lipat sluar kalu x meleret..ikutkan size tu dh ok dah, for 12-18 mths kid.xkan nk beli yg 3-6 mnths kot, xpela,,leh simpan dulu :)-
p/s: i hv spent more than rm200 just for her raya stuffs .. hmm.. but i 'm holding my bes fren's words. > dgn anak ni xleh b'kire.. x kan nk beli yg cap ayam kt anak sndiri..ade rezeki lebih belila utk anak.. so xleh kedekut sgt. coz kalu leh spend duit beli bnda2 mahal yg lain, xkan ngan anak sndiri pun nak b'kire ..lgipon anak kan memurahkan rzeki kite.. :)
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