Btw,, thx bnyak2 kat kawan2 yg sudi dtg mlawat..
sujana org 1sty dtg mlawat..mase tu i baru lps 2 jam beranak..still terbaring atas katil kat labor room.. muke x pyh ckpla dgn rambut serabai,,hehe...
Btw,, thx bnyak2 kat kawan2 yg sudi dtg mlawat..
sujana org 1sty dtg mlawat..mase tu i baru lps 2 jam beranak..still terbaring atas katil kat labor room.. muke x pyh ckpla dgn rambut serabai,,hehe...
apepon sy bersyukur dlm usia 33,masih pnjg umor,sihat tubuh badan & masih bernafas menghirup udara yg Allah bagi..Alhamdulillah...
thanks to all frens yg wish befday kat sy thru FB.. wpon sy sgtla malas nak update FB,,tp bile dpt wish drp kenkawan kat FB ni rase bestla plak :)))thanks jugak to nieces,sisters yg wish and never ever foget me..since sy kat kg ari sabtu (1day before my befday) ,,so sempat jugak sy ucapkan trime kasih kat mak sy.. sy ckp kat beliau "mama,,time kasih ye sbb mama lahirkan ah"
pagi2 lg hasben dah wish.. & ajar our dotter hanisah nyanyi lagu 'happy befday to you".. so ptg tu few times hanisah nyanyi lagu tu kat die punye lirik "happy to you".. words 'befday' hilang,,heheehe..
and last but not least,,of cos thanks to my beloved hubby for the treat..since kami penat travel balik kg (jemm gilerrr) so mkn dkt2 jela..kat resipi rahsia..
MIL befday celebration @ park royal.. spent 1 nite here..
best sgt duk rmai2..meriah sgt..
my befday bash..@ Rasa sayaang hotel.. xkan kulupe ttibe waiter2 dtg nyanyi 'lagu hepi befay'to me dgn kek.. wpon sore2 yg nyanyi tu sumbang,,tp akan ku kenang & appreciate,ahaksss..
be 1 of comittee..organize bowling tonemen... awal2 xnak main sbb duk pk sape nak jage sbb amir pujuk few times suruh main jgk,,so main gakla..nsib bek hasben kasik idea suruh ambik cleaner utk jage hanisah..berbaloi 5jam rm40,,hehe..
twins befday bash @ berjaya hotel..
Nota kaki: sape2 nak mkn steambot,,high remondation to have steambot dinner here...berbaloi2 mkn bnyak...
KK suprise befday bash @ office
holiday with hanisah in JB..went there by Air asia..
niler anak2 buah den kat JB..semue dah besar2 pnjang.. yg baju putih tu,den jage dr kecik..
GSC explorace.. also 1 of sgt2...
gigih betui boss aku jawab solan.. yg bestnye few days lps event ni,,die dtg kat aku and ckp "good job".. kembang den,hehe
lunch appreciation @ secret recipe..fully sponsored by pak arab..
potluck.. gigih betui kami bile bab2 mkn ni :P
bukak pose @ seoul garden juru..
Nota kaki:pade sesape yg mkn area sini,,kalu nak solat,p KFC..x pyh p nasmir..jauh sgt..
opss ni bukan memory lane..mlm raye happen on camry.. :(
moral of the story: dont sms & drive at same time,,hhuhuu
2010 Raye..
1st july.. hanisah was 2
durian party yg best!!
attending tamil's wedding
hajar's farewell dinner
Bollywood nite
last but not least,, Teambuilding yg sgt best & happening gilerrrr!!
ni game yg paling aku suke..sbb leh panjat2 and tonyoh2 kpale org,,hehe..
P/s: Syukur dipanjangkan umur,dpt berjumpe 2011.. semoga trus dipnjngkan umor..dan diberkati dunia & akhirat oleh yang Maha Esa..Amin...