
Thursday, July 23, 2009

Timbulun/Bukit Tinggi/pulang ke Malaysia

After attending abg hafiz& rice's wedding reception in Pariaman, kami trus shoot to kak arfi's house in Timbulun.
dropped by at mosque for solat jamak & tukar attire..
the journey took bout 6hrs by 4 wheel drive,,huhuhu.. oh yaaa,,people here majority using imported 4 wheel drive, due to geography case.. kalu bwk krete biase sure x tahan lame cos kwsan sini b'bukit2 + tanah tinggi..

btw,, the view sgtla magnificient.. kbtulan den duduk dkt window,,so syokk cuci mate with the beautiful scenery =)

berenti dkt area kebun teh, smate2 utk b'gambar..
Nice scenery!!

bile tgok pic ni balik,baru notice mase kami sibuk b'posing,pakcik yg dpn tu sibuk teropong. xtaulaa ape yg die tropong,,ekekekeee...

abaikan my spare tyre,,ahaksssss..!!

1st morning in Timbulun, awal2 lagi mami kuar b'jogging. so join jela,, walking + cycling.
sgtla nyaman udare situ.. the air is never being polluted!!

umah kak arfi atceli just dkt area of kaki gunong berapi Kerinchi..
me, irfa (anak kak arfi),mikal & mami

ni ler bungalow kak arfi in Timbulun. we stay and overnite here for 3 nights...
(can u guys spot me in the pic?),,hehehee..

umah k.arfi & Etek Amy (abang yandi's auntie) around 3 min walking distance.
ni kolam ikan dlm compund rumah Etek ami yg air direct from gunong..
bnyak ikan talapia tauuuu...

adik pasang cacing kat hook,,huhu

2nd day ptg tu,since cuace sgt baik, so we went to jeram for mandi..atceli x mandi pon..mikal & taliya je mandi. x tahan dingin air jeram,huhu..

me with Irfa

the 3rd day being bz with kenduri sambut menantu.
then 4th day kami dh mau brangkat pulang from timbulun.. sronok mmg sronok kat timbulun, but as i said earlier, rinnduuuu sgt2kat hanisah & hubby made me x sabar nak pulang =)
this pic is really happening!!
The active Kerinchi Volcano.. according to kak arfi, few days back ade batu2 kuar dr volcano nih..huhu..sounds freaky for us..but it's normal for them..

o da way back, we went to Bukit Tinggi which took about 6 hrs from Timbulun. the roadwas, Masyaallah,, sgtla hectic,bengkang bengkok. lucky i keep plastic in my bag. cos t'muntah jugakla.x tahan mabuk. lps ambik ubat tahan mabuk, muntah lg few times..punyela hectic!!

on da way to bukit tinggi, drop by here..cos scenery sgt cantik..

Bukit tinggi okla..tmpat shopping.. mcm2 ade.. atceli i was not feeling well mase smpai kat bukit tinggi. mybe cos dh muntah bnyak kali so badan jadik dehydrate. tp pepon sempat jugakla beli few items like baju,keychain,fridge magnet,beg,sandal & baju kebaya.. =P

the last day in Padang.. @ Ambachang Hotel.
@ Padang airport.,. atceli kt sini,, i lost my departure ticket which having imegresen cop. panic la jugakk cos according to my FIL, kalu xde that piece of ticket,xleh lepas imegresen.. means x leh balik malaysia.. panic sgt time b4 check in luggage, den bukak luggage selongkarbalik brg2. and Alhamdulillah jumpe jugak,,huhuhu =p

kami mau pulang ke Malaysia.. tata Indon.. Insyaallah ade rzeki dtg lagi,ahakss!!


  1. waah... seronoknya timbulun. cantik sgt view dia. kena dgn bungalow tgh2 bukit.. sure tidor lena.. bt krn rindukan hanisah, xtau lerr buleh tdo lena ke x ;D. Siapa diorang ni k farah? igtkan adik kak farah kawin ngn org sana..

  2. mmg xleh lena sbb rinduuu my hanisah.siap nangis tu,huhuhu...
    hsband of my sis in law org sane (Padang) since child dieorg 1 fmily pndah malaysia cos ptukaran pkerja m'sia & indonesia.
    tp dah duk sini,slang smue dah relatives all still sane..since wedding of his brother ngan org sane,so senangla,,smue pakat jmpe kat Padang =)
