
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Hepi 2nd befday to irdina.

Hanisah & i had fun today, as both of us with Eila and her son irfan went to our opismate, Nuli's house, celebrating his dotter's befday..
Irdina turns 2 on 16th. We gathered at nuli & jerry's house around 5pm and the befday girl plus the befday boy Hakim started to blow the cake around 530pm..

i do think that all the guests hv been enjoying the foods & the cakes as well :) yummy esp the lontong plus sambal bilis..i likee!! Btw i was not only enjoying the meals,, but the other things of cosss.. Chit chat with kaum ibu and the most important things is hv the chance to bring hanisah to crowds after what she had been through the day before.. she was not really active at nuli's house..i know she's still not really 100% recover yet.. sigh~ tp pepon kire okla compare the day before.. hari b4 tu nak pakai baju pon jenuh pujuk..huhuuu..


-kaum ibu-

-tiup jgn x tiup lilin-

-hanisah pon tringin nak potong kek..see her lips dah jadik merah,huhu.-

btw thx to jerry & nuli for the invitation... to the befday girl irdina,,smoga jadik anak yg solehah & diredhai dunia akhirat,amin..

p/s: for hanisah's beday, i hv been thinking of celebrating her befday bash with mr bear a&w or ronald mc donald .. ;p tp pepon see the badget and condition *wink*


  1. wah..comelnya besday gurl
    and that cake..look so nyummy!

  2. yapp,mmg sedap kek tu.and guess what, mommy of befday gul yg buat kek tuh..
