
Monday, April 26, 2010

Me,frens & foods

had lunch with my opismates las week at bee fen's restaurant..I certainly enjoyed eating & chatting with them esp with aida,, lame sgt x duduk bborak so bnyak2la topic sembang..huhuu.. Hmm,, walking down memory lane when both of us wr not married yet,, we used to hang out few places.. paling xleh lupe, during ramadhan coincidently kami 2 x pose, so we bought wafers & makan dlm cinema (if not mistaken the movie was Doom)..skali t'cekik sbb xdak air,,heheee...

talking bout the foods,, ok all nice.i tell u bnyak tau kami 3 order smpai last2 kene tapau my sandwich,hehe...i enjoyed eating (and i'm sure both of them enjoyed too) while listening to the Hitz songs played in the oke!!

-mouth watering tomyam,, syruppppp-

-frens & foods :)-

Insyaallah nx time we hang out somewhere else for makan2...tnggu mak labu ngidam nk mkn ape pulak,,hahaksss..

to aida,,smoge selamat with this 2nd baby..Aminn..
and also thx 4 everything..appreciate that!! :D


  1. salam faz semuga sihat2 selalu..seronok klu dapat borak sambil makan2 ngan member2..rindulah saat2 camni..mane pi lah kawan2 ku..

  2. Sedapnye makan..bila leh lunch ngan adik Aida ni plak?auww!!

  3. COD emas tulen 999.9 Pamp Suisse Lady Fortuna 10 gram, harga semasa RM 1370.

    Untuk harga emas jongkong dan lain-lain yang hebat sila hubungi kami di

    Harga lagi murah daripada Habib, Poh Kong dan dealer2 lain. Bekalan antarabangsa.

    Rebat tunai segera RM 1,000 hingga RM 1, 500.

    Harga belian semula yang hebat.

    Terima kasih.
